everything arises out of the void
The point of a compass is the Bindi Point of theVoid
Sacred Geometry is a metacognitive practice of drawing forms that arise out of the point of a compass and straightedge,
to begin:
With a compass create a circle of any dimension.
This circle represents a sphere
the Void
you are the point of the compass
you are at the center of the void
there is nothing that you can see,
there is nothing that you can hear,
there is nothing that you can smell,
there there is nothing that you can taste,
there is nothing that you can feel,
and yet
there you are
from the center of theVoid
move the point of your compass to any point on the surface of that sphere, and pierce that boundary with the point of your compass
change occurs at the boundaries
create a second circle of equal diameter, a mitosis,a daughter cell
The second circle defines an intersection of two sets, a union, the vesica pisces, the mandorla, the bladder of a fish
the straightedge reveals
your frame of reference, the axis mundi, your connection between heaven earth
and the mathantics of geometry, the node and vector framework upon which reality will be hung.
Everything arises out of theVoid, out of nothing
Consider theVoid
While meditating on theVoid, mentally create / draw a circle defining space, defining volume, defining the grail. defining an egg
Ying \ Female
consider the sword, male / Yang
pierce that boundary of the yang with the yang
create a second circle
change occurs at the boundaries
The second circle creates an intersection, a union, the vesica pisces, the mandorla, the bladder of a fish. There the straightedge reveals the axis mundi, the frame of reference, the connection between heaven earth and the mathantics of geometry, the node and vector framework upon which reality will be hung.
The compass is the The Bindi Point of theVoid
from that zero point: Move the point of your compass to any point on the surface of that sphere, and pierce that boundary with the point of your compass
change occurs at the boundaries
create a second circle of equal diameter
The second circle defines an intersection of two sets, a union, the vesica pisces, the mandorla, the bladder of a fish
consider nothing
there is no meaning
there is no purpose
there is no light
there is no shape
there is no form
it is a dark and stormy night
there is chaos
there is energy
there are flows
there are patterns
and there is a witness
I am
In the winter of 2010, I rebuilt our back porch with a large geometric pattern of glass and wood. At the heart of the glass laser etched into the glass is the statement I Am Here.
The Meditation of the Void is the Big Bang Theory of Meditation. Manifestation of the physical form from nothing, but there's a problem.
Thinking of Nothing is something you cannot do. You Are Thinking. You are not nothing. The plank limit of metaphysics.
In the Spring of 2012, I found myself in pre-op floating in the sea-of-placid that they give you before they turn you off for surgery.
You are in a state where you know that you have feelings about what is about to happen, but .... you can't quite remember where they are.
So I decided to practice the meditation of movement in the void, mentally drawing each node and vector of the Seed of Life as if with a stick, on the sand of the beach at the heart of the void, with no intention of getting anywhere at all. - Icarus Flyby and the Rock from Mars
So there I was thinking about: nothing.
Three days later I had a Satori. An awakening.